Northwest Focus Live
Northwest Focus Live
Tune in to our annual Northwest Focus Live appearance on Classical KING FM 98.1. We'll present selections from our upcoming concert, Silent Night.
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Northwest Focus Live
Tune in to our annual Northwest Focus Live appearance on Classical KING FM 98.1. We'll present selections from our upcoming concert, Silent Night.
“Be not afeard. The isle is full of noises. Sounds, and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not.”
Seattle Pro Musica will join more than two dozen renowned performing arts organizations in a citywide celebration of William Shakespeare. Sounds and Sweet Airs will showcase choral settings of poetry and prose by the Bard of Avon – including world premieres from Northwest composers Jessica French, Don Skirvin, and Giselle Wyers.
Our March 18 concert of Sounds and Sweet Airs will be performed by our small ensembles rather than the full choir.
Northwest Focus Live
Tune in to our annual Northwest Focus Live appearance on Classical KING FM 98.1. We'll present selections from our upcoming concert, Sounds and Sweet Airs.
Sounds and Sweet Airs
in the South Sound
Join us in Olympia for our highly anticipated annual appearance as part of the St. John's Episcopal Concert Series.
Our second "Masters Class" offers nine students the opportunity to perform for and work with several masters of vocal music - Beth Kirchoff, Nancy Zylstra, and Stephen Wall. Open to the public; all proceeds will support Seattle Pro Musica's Education and Outreach programs.
Beyond the Sky features the small ensembles of Seattle Pro Musica in an exciting concert highlighting choral music from around the globe.
The Radcliffe Choral Society joins Northwest Girlchoir Amore and the small ensembles of Seattle Pro Musica for a collaborative concert at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lynnwood, WA.
Bring the whole family for a joyful concert of traditional carols, holiday stories, and an audience sing-along. Students from area schools will join us in this one-hour concert that’s perfect for children and their families!
Star of Wonder in the South Sound
Join us in Olympia for our highly anticipated annual appearance as part of the St. John's Episcopal Concert Series.
Northern Lights in the South Sound
Join us in Olympia for our highly anticipated annual appearance on the St. John's Episcopal Concert Series.